Current Land Registry Fees

There is a fee payable to the Land Registry for the registration of the change of ownership of a property.

The fee is different depending upon the property value, and the bandings are as follows:

Value or amount Apply by post Apply online
0 to £80,000 £40 £20
£80,001 to £100,000 £80 £40
£100,001 to £200,000 £190 £95
£200,001 to £500,000 £270 £135
£500,001 to £1,000,000 £540 £270
£1,000,001 and over £910 £455

Since March 2014 conveyancers completing land registry returns online have been able to pass on the benefit of a 50% reduction in land registry fees to their clients, for the most commonly used applications (common exceptions to this are unregistered and newbuild property registrations). Don't waste money using a conveyancer who is still submitting by post!

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