Conveyancing – who am I actually paying?

If you get a conveyancing quote through your estate agent or IFA, check the small print of your conveyancing quote or Client Care Letter and you may well find information about a “Referral Fee”.

Most conveyancing price comparison sites will also include a referral fee – ours is not one of them (check out how our site is funded).

This is the fee that you are paying to the provider of the quote, simply for getting the quote for you.

This fee can run into £100's of pounds in some cases!

Whilst price comparison sites are often useful for getting an idea of the typical prices for conveyancing as well as seeing reviews left by past customers, bear in mind that the prices may be inflated, as the fees quoted on the site will often include a fee that will be earned by the comparison site itself, as payment for you using the site.

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